As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..


I though you would enjoy seeing the2016 DNC Convention Schedulebelow, and I'm sure it's still early enough to make reservations, and partake in this once in a lifetime event. Stay safe; and in touch...
DNC Convention Schedule
Saturday, 27 August   2016
Free lunch, medical marijuana  distribution, and bus ride to the Convention.
Forms distributed for Food Stamp  enrollment.
2:30 PM
Group Voter Registration for  Undocumented Immigrants.
4:00 PM
Opening Flag Burning  Ceremony
Sponsored by CNN
4:15 PM
Address on "Being the Real  You"
Rachel Dolezal, former Head of the  Seattle NAACP and Caitlyn Jenner
4:30 PM
"How to Bank $200 Million as a  Public Servant and Claim to be Broke"
Hillary Clinton
4:45 PM
“How to have a successful career  without ever having a job, and still avoid paying taxes!”
A Seminar Moderated by Al Sharpton  and Jesse Jackson
5:00 PM
Medals of Freedom presentation to  Army deserter Bo Berghdal & Baltimore Looters
5:30 PM
Invitation-only Autograph  Session
Souvenir photographs of Hillary  and Chelsea dodging Sniper Fire in Bosnia
5:45 PM
Tribute to All of the 57  States
Congresswoman Nancy  Pelosi
6:00 PM
General vote on praising Baltimore  rioters, and on using the terminology
"Alternative Shoppers" instead of  "Looters"
7:30 PM
Announcement of VP Nominee Chris  Stevens, with a quick rebuttal and withdrawal
when Hillary realizes she got him  killed in Benghazi
8:30 PM
The White House "Semantics  Committee" Meeting
General vote on re-branding  "Muslim Terrorism" as "Random Acts of Islamic Over-Exuberance"
9:00 PM
“Liberal Bias in Media – How we  can make it work for you”
Tutorial sponsored by CBS, NBC,  ABC, CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times
with Guest Speaker, Brian  Williams
9:15 PM
Tribute Film to the Brave Freedom  Fighters still incarcerated at GITMO
Michael Moore
9:45 PM
Personal Finance Seminar -  "Businesses Don't Create Jobs"
Hillary Clinton
10:00 PM
Group Condemnation of Bitter Gun  Owners
10:30 PM
Ceremonial “We Surrender” Waving  of the White Flag to Afghanistan, Russia, and ISIS.
11:00 PM
Short film, "Setting Up Your Own  Illegal Email Server While Serving in A Cabinet Post
and How to Pretend It's No Big  Deal"
Hosted by Hillary  Clinton
11:30 PM
"How to Offend Christians While  Implementing Sharia Law in America"
"Sneaky Joe" Biden
12:00 AM
Official Nomination of  Hillary
Bill Maher and Chris Matthews   

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