As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..

I Asked You (Part 2) Angry Love Silence

when did we fall in love?
was it yesterday?
was it 8 months ago when You saw me standing in
Your world asking for directions out?

when did we fall in love?
was it Your wedding day?
did You look across the aisle at Your groom and wish that i was standing there?
were Your eyes closed when he kissed You pretending he was i?

when did we fall in love?
was it in kindergarten ?
did the way i stacked those blocks and scribbled in my books make Your heart take a second look at me?
when i got in trouble for writing You notes and holding Your hand did You secretly curse the teacher?
When You dreamed at night of Your prince in charming was he wearing armor along with long black hair?

when did we fall in love?
was it at birth?
when i came into this world did You suddenly feel Your life come into focus?
when Your mother left the room did You whisper Your true first word was it my name?

when You learned to say i love you You said it with such grace were You thinking of me?
when You blew out the candles on Your birthday cake did You wish i was there sharing the moment with You?

when did we fall in love?
was it the day You got the call that i had slit my wrists died and left a note for You?
when You read the note was it wet from blood or tears Yours or mine who bled who cried?
were You shocked when they read my will and You found out i left all i had to You?
when You saw me dressed in black lying in my box did you feel the love drain out of You?
have You visited my grave often is it winter do You regret never telling me You loved me?

when did we fall in love?

September 10 1992

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