As Creepy As Clowns

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MONTEL AND THE ‘DIVINE MISS M': Deliriously Delighted at the Duggars’ Devastation : by Steve Pauwels

Yeesh — I thought the eruption of schadenfreude from New-England-Patriots-dissers against quarterback Tom Brady was unsettling -– but “Deflategate” ain’t anything.

At least not compared to the slavering glee storming social media over “Duggargate”. Now  that is positively gob-smacking.

Twenty-seven-year-old Josh Duggar, oldest scion of Jim Bob and Michelle, whose 19 Kids and Counting was one of TLC’s most popular reality-TV offerings, has admitted to molesting – described as “inappropriate touching” — several young girls, approximately twelve years ago;  some of his sisters among them. Mom and Dad Duggar addressed the situation — but not forcefully enough by the reckoning of some howling detractors.

The series was unceremoniously yanked from the network’s broadcast schedule. Paying sponsors fled. Josh Duggar issued a public mea culpa and promptly resigned his position with the high-profile, pro-family, pro-traditional-marriage Family Research Council (FRC). 

Still, forces on the Gay-is-grand, Real-Christianity-s*cks Left can barely contain their outrage; or their giddiness. 

Television personality Montel Williams, for instance: Upon this news’ breaking, the fifty-eight-year-old, former talk-host gloatingly blasted the perpetrator, his family, even his employer. “Josh Duggar is a bigot, slimebag. Whole family is, and FRC is a scam.”

Of course, Williams lurched to Luke 6:37 (“Judge not, lest you be judged”), the favorite, go-to Scripture for those wanting to ignore the rest of what the Bible teaches.

I’d long regarded Montel as a not particularly penetrating, standard-issue, celebrity-culture liberal — but his stock inched up a bit  in my index  owing to his recent efforts focusing attention on Marines wrongly imprisoned abroad. His venomous, hysterical rants in this Duggar matter, however, have tempered even that; it develops he’s just another spouter of fuzzy-headed leftism.

“And to those who claim I hate Christians,” fumed Williams toward some of his Duggar-supporting critics , “how dare you?”

Well, Montel, maybe because of tweets like this: “Josh Duggar, a world class bigot … has consistently stated that LGBT folks r a danger to kids … NOPE, JOSH DUGGAR IS.” [Emphasize in original].   ;

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