As Creepy As Clowns

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Obama’s ‘Gay’ Pot Dealer Killed Over Flatulence?

That stinks. This article is just so strange on so many levels that we had to share. Typical of the people Obama associates himself with though….
Check it out:

President Obama’s high school pot dealer who he thanked in his yearbook for the ‘good times’ was beaten to death by his lover after a series of fights over flatulence and drugs, MailOnline can reveal today.

Raymond Boyer, known as ‘Gay Ray’ to Obama and his marijuana smoking ‘Choom Gang’, was bludgeoned to death with a hammer seven years after he sold the future president and his friends drugs.

His lover Andrew Devere, a male prostitute, gave police a laundry list of reasons for the killing, including that Boyer, a surfer and unemployed chef, constantly put him down, made him beg for drugs and had a habit of breaking wind in his face.

  • Choom is island slang for pot smoking and group went on excursions to countryside to get high and party, sometimes in Ray’s surf van
  • Devere is now living on the mainland after serving his life sentence
  • Obama last week said marijuana was no more dangerous than alcohol
  • Devere's new wife Elizabeth told MailOnline doing drugs is fine if you are rich and 'have the tools to deal with it' but not if you are poor with problems

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