Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..
Some of you may know that, recently we (,the Mrs. and I) won the opportunity for a meet, greet and eat with Herman Cain. The event, held Tuesday night in our town, Lakeland, was called The Reagan Dinner Series: an Evening With Herman Cain. Thanks to our locally produced, AM morning talk show, Mayhem In The AM, and the Republican Party of Polk County Executive Committee, we were in for a wonderful night.
We arrived early, looked for people in suits and ties, parked in the back of the building, thinking most would park in the front. We were right, leaving was a breeze. We made our way into the Lakeland Center, found the registration table and got our blue name tags. Mine was misspelled, but much like her, the Mrs.'s was perfect. Never having been to an event just like this, we tried to enter the cocktail lounge area, when we were met by two,"screeners". They weren't exactly security guards and they weren't quite bouncers, but I think at least one of them, wished he was. They quickly informed us,that the time of patron's entrance was determined by the color of the name tags. Hey now! And needless to say that blue's time hadn't come yet.
With about 15 or 20 minutes to kill, we roamed the halls of the Center, where me met a charming lady ,who was a volunteer greeter at the front door, holding a Herman Cain 2012 sign, who we would have met earlier, if we had used the front entrance. A conversation with her revealed, that she had seen Mr. Cain at several events, was a big fan, and felt that his common sense approach to problems, was what the Country needed to steer us away from our present course of destruction. I noticed her lapel, The American Flag alongside the Israeli Flag. I told her I liked it and that I had ordered one for the Mrs., to wear to this event, but we had not received it. The lady (we're sorry, we cannot remember her name, as we read so many name tags, that night) then insisted that Mrs. have hers. She wouldn't take No for an answer. Thank you Ma'am. Thank you.
Finally our color was up, and we approached the door where we were met, by the aforementioned screener/guard/bouncer, who had to check the color on the badge, again. So I guess that even at that point, we weren't the lowest on the totem pole. We went inside to find a crowded room with hors d'oeuvres, a cocktail bar, and a Herman Cain. People were lined up, to chat, get their picture taken and their copy of his new book, This Is Herman Cain My Journey To The White House, autographed, before the general public could even buy it. We thought maybe, we'd let the crowd thin out, and get a bite to eat. I held our drinks, while the Mrs. went and got us plates. She brought me back cheeses and these wonderful little beef wellington thingamabobs baked in soft bread. MMMM...There were other things on my plate as well, I don't
know what they were.
After that, we left the lounge to go to the bathroom, where the Mrs. informed me that every woman there, wearing heels felt just like she did. My response? "Really." My thoughts? 'Thank God! I am a man!' After returning from the restrooms, we once again, encountered the door screener, who had to check our tags, again. ( By now I'm starting to get annoyed.) The crowd had indeed thinned out a little, as people had started to leave the lounge and be seated in the reception hall. We ran into the DJ's from the radio station Seth and The Dale, and thanked them for the opportunity. The Mrs. directed them to the beef wellington thingamabobs, that they affectionately referred as those "hot pocket things”. We were standing in line with Seth and Dale in front of us, when a couple, kind of skipped in front of us all. After that, Mr. Cain's assistant informed us , that he needed, to take a break before the big speech. She said there would be an opportunity afterwards,...
We strolled over to the merchandise table, and bought his new book, a bumper sticker and a Herman Cain 2012 button. we picked up a copy of the program, and a donation package. Shortly thereafter, we were let into the hall and seated at the Nelson Financial Strategies table. Our table had salads, waters, un-sweet tea, coffees, bread and more silverware in the place setting, than I knew what to do with. Our host Jimmy Nelson welcomed us all and Pastor Bob Beckler, of the South Lake Wales Church of God, gave the invocation. Next, we said the Pledge of Allegiance and the band, One Night Rodeo, performed the National Anthem. And yes. They knew the words. Then came, a round of introductions of elected officials, special guests and those responsible for bringing the event together.
With the video presentation, (which featured numerous clips of Ronald Reagan, outlining the threats to our Freedoms, spliced with current news events, showing the world's march towards socialism and the old interview from Barack Obama, speaking how the Warren Court wasn't radical
enough, in that it didn't state, what the government must do, for people. That
was the one where he called the Constitution "a charter of negative liberties",) they served us stuffed chicken breast over red skin mashed potatoes with baby green beans and crème sauce.I didn't eat too much of it, as I had already eaten, my fair share of beef wellington hot pocket thingamabobs.
After dinner, 14 year old, Marshall Maxwell, gave a impressive recitation of The Declaration of Independence. No teleprompter, no notes. Next, Mr. Cain was introduced, to thunderous applause and began his keynote speech. There he outlined the crises that America is facing.
1. A National Security crisis
2. A economic crisis
3. A leadership crisis
4. A morality crisis
Then , he offered common sense solutions to the problems we face. He spoke of his 999 tax plan, which scraps the current tax code, and replaces it with, a Business Flat Tax – 9%, a Individual Flat Tax – 9%, and a National Sales Tax – 9%. Here are a few bullet points, on the issues he spoke about:
1. National Security- Get politics out of the Military and defend America.
2. Government Spending- Nothing should be off the table! Cut federal government back to responsible spending that insures prosperity.
3. Immigration- Secure our border, enforce the law. Stop rewarding lawlessness
4. Energy- Use our domestic energy. Period.
5. Economy- Get the government out of our business-let us thrive!
6. Healthcare- Repeal and replace ObamaCare with patient based free market
7. Entitlements- Modernize them so we are able to take care of our elderly and get the Federal government out of them, so people in States can look after their neighbors.
8.Regulations- Repeal regulation reforms and give business a immediate boost by freeing them from over-regulation.
9. Education- Decentralize Federal control of schools, expand vouchers and charter schools and make local personnel responsible for teaching.
10. Faith and Family-"America’s moral foundation does not need to be rewritten. It needs to be respected and taught to our children and grandchildren. It is the basis for our concept of freedom."
"We are free because “In God Is Our Trust.”
We learned of Mr. Cain's successful business record, his bout with liver
and colon cancer, his recent trip to Israel and the birth of his granddaughter, who inspired him to run for the Office of The President of The United States of America. Not one time, during the speech, did he apologize for America, and he never hesitated to speak of the American Exceptionalism, that has made this Country the envy of the World. His remarks were clear, heartfelt and spoke to the common man.
We believe that our Country finds itself at a perilous crossroads. It's not too late to reverse course. Are we a Nation controlled by socialist/progressive government mandates? Or, are we a Nation with Freedom imbedded in our DNA? If you believe that America is at it's best when it's most Free, then say no, to the status quo, career politicians chosen by the media for us, then repeal and replace Barack Obama and his band of merry socialists ( both Parties) with candidates with real life experience and success, who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get to work fixing the mess made by politicians.
Elect a tried and true business man.
Herman Cain for President 2012.
After the event we learned that Mr. Cain left quickly, so we didn't get to meet
him. It seems he was recovering from the flu. So maybe the couple who cut in
front of us, turned out to be a Blessing in disguise....
By maggot On 9/24/2011
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