As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..

As I sit here- pen in hand-
i seem a little lost-Appears
in life there is no plan-
only ravaged seas-I''m

-current swift-
I tell myself- I''ll stay afloat- As I
migrate towards the
deep- unseen things
to swim- inside
my head they creep

-water''s cold-

Or so it feels- As
I breathe- I start
to sink- gentle rain
fathers my tears-
rivers cut my
cheeks- A sign
that I was here.

And as my final flood began to
rise- I slowly shut my eyes
And held them down so
tight- That I never
again saw light

In my time
I was told- if
you drown- then you
die high- They lied.


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