As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..


TEN o' CLOCK. I'm alone in the house. Well, sort of.
They're other people here. I'm sure of it. But still I feel alone.
I'm thinking too much these days. I read your works. You're right , they're nearly novels.
I believe Fate must be prejudiced. Something went wrong . I love you.
I noticed the pictures on my wall. They all seem to be watching me. Wherever I go, their eyes follow me.
I feel like crying. My throat is swollen. It's 10 o'clock.
There's a dirtroad curve in front of us. It's dirt. That makes the road untrustworthy.
At any moment we could round a sudden corner. Around the curve sits a black magnificent beast. We crash headfirst.
We crashed headfirst. Something went wrong. I love you.


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