Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..
O-o-o-h. President Obama is weighing in on the civil disturbance in the Ukraine and admonishing all parties to calm down or else. Or else what? The only time there has been a break in the upheaval in Kiev and the rest of that country is when they all pause to laugh at his false bravado, or wonder why he’s even opening his mouth. After all, he only drew the red line in the sand for Syria a mere eight months ago and we all know how that turned out: Putin 1; Obama 0.
As of this writing there is a body count of roughly 100 people in the Ukraine, and while most certainly highly regrettable, there has been no outcry from this administration over the hundreds of thousands of Christians that have been captured, tortured, mutilated, or killed by radical Islamists throughout the Middle East and northern Africa. Why, then, has Obama decided to make a priority over what is transpiring in Russia and the Ukraine a concern of our country, or better yet, where has the Department of State been as this issue was brewing over the past several years? It’s just another case of reaction over pro-activeness because Obama’s former Secretary of State was asleep at the wheel. Now that tensions have reached a point of boiling over, it’s a little late for the United States to interject itself into taming the hungry and angry souls of the Russian youth, nor should it be a concern of ours so late after the fact. Imagine the uproar if Putin was to start chirping about our porous border with Mexico or threatening to get involved in our internal affairs.
Actually, there are two reasons why another country’s civil unrest has become the newest focus for the White House. First, it distracts everybody’s attention from The Failure (Obamacare) and it provides the president a forum to toss pebbles from a distance at a man who intimidates him endlessly: Vladimir “The Impaler” Putin.
Clearly, the mere mention of The Vlad causes Obama to wet his knickers, and if there is anything he can do to try to discredit Putin’s leadership, he and his advisers will not waste a minute in trying to lessen the man’s stature. Do I like Putin? Not even a little. He’s a ruthless, autocratic, former KGB automaton, but at least he doesn’t wear a kilt. The conflict of ideologies in the Ukraine did not just materialize overnight, but has been a bubbling cauldron and flies in direct opposition to the bromide that the problems only began last November. Really? Well, if that lame excuse doesn’t fly how about blaming it on another video……………..and, who was the lead with respect to overseeing our international relationships? None other than the bowling pin herself, Hillary Clinton. If I recall correctly she showed an equal amount of naivete and ineffectiveness regarding the issues in Libya, Egypt, and Syria, so why is anyone surprised about our inability to have anticipated what is going on in Russia?
Might we now recall the little love-whispers Obama gave to President Medvedev a couple years ago: ”Tell Vladimir I’ll have a lot more flexibility in my next term.” I’ll bet Putin giggled himself to sleep for a fortnight after hearing that one and said to himself, “I’ve got the little puppet right where I want him.”
The press took it’s cue as it always does from the Oval Office, and in the lead up to the Olympics trumpeted repeatedly concerns about the potential issues with terrorism to the point of practically wishing it to occur. Thus far there has been no such successful attempt in the Olympic Village, seemingly to the frustration of this administration, so the turmoil in the Ukraine couldn’t have come at a better time for a presidency steeped in style and bankrupt of substance.
Now, when it comes out that the FCC is going to invade the media to “see how the news is presented” there is feigned indignation. What’s the big deal? The main stream media had already reduced itself to a propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, and all FOX has done is waste its franchise opportunity to make a difference by falling more and more in line with the status quo, or reducing shows like O’Reilly’s into pure schtick. The disinformation from the Obama administration and never-ending PR from the Clinton machine hang over the country like a stink-bomb with few if any willing to ferret out the truth. Barry couldn’t drive a car down a parade route and it would appear the country is about to double-down with Hillary as the presumptive favorite to sully the throne even further if she’s elected president in 2016, neither of which portends well for the country.
A presidency that builds its foundation on sand and was allowed to promote soaring oratory and skin color as style over intelligence and substance was destined to unravel as this one is doing before our very eyes. If it isn’t foreign policy, it’s the economy. If it isn’t the abysmal failure of Obamacare, it’s a non-starter regarding immigration. When it’s a failed energy policy the predictable bromides about solar power are trotted out anew. If it isn’t the NSA monitoring our every move and communication, it’s the disturbance in Kiev that deflects attention away from the ineptitude. And now, global warming has become a weapon of mass destruction. What possibly could come next.?
We are witness to the victory of unbridled mayhem over sound management, and it’s only going to get worse. http://mychal-massie.com/premium/the-failure/
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