Bear surprises Samsung crew on washing machi…videoBear surprises Samsung crew on washing machi…2 LikesGun Control works "Thank God for Guns" and G…videoGun Control works "Thank God for Guns" and G…1 LikeOptions for Consideration Active Shooter Tra…videoOptions for Consideration Active Shooter Tra…1 LikeThis Guy Had The Guts To Put This On The Internet . Praise God !!!
BlogThis Guy Had The Guts To Put This On The Internet . Praise God !!!1 Like
January 2013
Carol Burnett Show outtakes - Mr. Tudball ne…videoCarol Burnett Show outtakes - Mr. Tudball ne…2 Likeschi~catMemberchi~cat2 LikesHellnoMemberHellno2 Likes
December 2012
Ted Nugent - Piers MorganvideoTed Nugent - Piers Morgan2 LikesRay Stevens - Blue ChristmasvideoRay Stevens - Blue Christmas2 Likesno title needed imhophotono title needed imho2 LikesHeffeweizenMemberHeffeweizen3 LikesHi Doofie!Congrats for your new little corner of the world!!!! love ya, SueDiscussionHi Doofie!1 LikeHey allI had loads of trouble with my personal e-mail yesterday. Te got up this morning to find that All my addresses had disappeared! If you have ever e-mailed me, Please do so again! If you h…DiscussionHey all1 Like
November 2012
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