HOLD MY UMBRELLA President Barack Obama is having the worst week ever. On top of three erupting scandals, the IRS targeting conservative groups, AP wiretapping, and Benghazi whistle blowers, he s…DiscussionHOLD MY UMBRELLA2 LikesThe new Website looks
I see much work has been done since I last came by....and it looks like it will be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
BlogThe new Website looks2 Likes
March 2013
easter eggphotoeaster egg2 LikesAnalog State of Mind
Analog State of…
BlogAnalog State of Mind2 Likes
February 2013
Bear surprises Samsung crew on washing machi…videoBear surprises Samsung crew on washing machi…2 LikesGun Control works "Thank God for Guns" and G…videoGun Control works "Thank God for Guns" and G…1 LikeOptions for Consideration Active Shooter Tra…videoOptions for Consideration Active Shooter Tra…1 LikeThis Guy Had The Guts To Put This On The Internet . Praise God !!!
BlogThis Guy Had The Guts To Put This On The Internet . Praise God !!!1 Like