Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..
WhiteHouse.Gov had their fearless leader’s 20 min. “Shut down” rant on YouTube just as soon as they could get it posted. The moment the cameras stopped rolling, I’m almost certain Barry’s writing crew, choreographer, and producer were applauding and tearfully embracing one another as the liberal media’s sparkling reviews began pouring in. They had just pulled off a heartwarming, very believable pitch that had millions of viewers feeling like our president was talking to them, one-on-one, from just across a backyard fence.
What Barack fully knows, but hopes his audience will totally forget, is that this is a people-powered government and not his own personal monarchy. The man, as we’ve come to expect, is again throwing a fit regarding anyone who would have the ‘audacity’ to persist in opposing him. ['Checks and BALANCES, Barry, remember those? You've ignored them up to this point; and yet, despite your vilification of the people who dare to stand in your way, you still haven’t vanquished them or so justified your actions. You have, though, certainly found a ‘home’ in the throngs of clones dull enough to buy into your drama.]
Being the one-man show that he is, our government’s printing office must pump out more ‘Executive Order’ forms every month than it does food stamps. He isn’t to be bothered by a House of Representatives. His ‘transparency’ includes keeping his office door closed to ‘outsiders,’ and he takes it personally when things don’t go his way.
But, what is this shutdown really about, Barry? You could call it a ”That’s All She Wrote” filibuster from justifiably temperate people who have tried everything else to attenuate your binging. If you have no intention of putting the brakes on your unbridled spending, then someone must do something drastic to drive home the point to you and your careless following.
If you’re really concerned about the well-being of all those carefully chosen, heavily sweating, ‘average Americans’ who stood behind you as you spoke there in the Rose Garden – why have you, for the past five years, lavished our precious tax dollars on your own decadence? The five-star vacations, the celebrity golf, outlandish spring breaks for your daughters and their friends, astronomically expensive clothing for your wife, stellar parties, etc.? Given your own indulgence, I can’t hear much of your speech, Barry, because your contradictory actions are screaming way too loudly in revealing your carelessness.
You have the chutzpah to stand there and declare that, “(The Affordable Care Act) is here to stay. And because of its funding sources, it’s not impacted by a government shutdown. And … even though the government is closed, a big part of the Affordable Care Act is now open for business.” Or, in other words, “Working Americans will, without question, support (cover the cost of) my vanity – like it or not.”
Well, over 100,000 people in Colorado alone showed up to your ‘Affordable Care’ site the day after you declared the shop ‘open for business.’ Barely 6500 of them signed up. In the days since, the same anemic response was reflected nationwide. Your tenacious spin-masters immediately blamed slow sales on a ‘glitch’ with the ‘Affordable Care’ website. Regardless, while the attention is momentarily off your FAILURE, millions of disgruntled Americans have had time to personally discover the merciless rate increases and skimpy coverage that are, across the board, ‘Obamacare.’
But those are precisely the sort of numbers you must have anticipated, Barry, because you obviously intend to run this vote-manufacturing travesty largely on the fines assessed against all those hard-working Americans who can’t qualify for your freebies. Real producing Americans will become the new uninsured. They will simply pay your fines in order to avoid your expensive, half-baked ‘coverage.’ Still, more unions and employers will recoil to the detriment of their workers. So, bottom line: on the limping nickel of middle-class America, you have made the world safe for you and your protégés who are hypocritical enough to ride this massive porkbarrel.
You also know that when you have dialed in the instant citizenship, freebie benefits, and voting rights for millions of illegal aliens, we won’t be able, using a crowbar, to ever again pry a liberal out of the Oval Office. So, your reach and power – not affordable healthcare – is what this is all about, and you know that. Just ask any of the people you have exempted from this nightmare – they know a disaster when they see it.
Barack Obama is, to quote master politician Bill Clinton, “… a master politician.” But the term ‘politician’ was not always synonymous with ‘liar.’ Anyone can lie in the course of winning most any contest, but real leaders are artists at combining politics with negotiation. Our Congress that you have so often excluded from your stabs at fiat legislating – why not actually include those elected officials in the course of your decision making? Why not unify instead of dividing us?
Our United States, under God’s blessing, rose to its place as a superpower largely because of arguing men committed to clawing our way to better things by the discipline prescribed in our unique Constitution. We are therein all guaranteed a voice and access to the necessary dialog that is integral to free governance.
When that ongoing, healthy argument is finally silenced by a handful of dishonest men cooperatively lying to their charge, that’s no longer politics; it is instead just the sleazy precursor to a dictatorship. Because of our ignorance or sloth or both, we will have then allowed ourselves to be thoroughly hoodwinked. At the very least, our children and their offspring will hurt for our neglect. So don’t expect us to sit quietly and take your bullying. While we are still able and blessed with the freedom to do so, we will speak out.
That’s why our founding fathers fought so hard to ensure the perpetual safety of our debate. They knew that FREE people DISAGREE. No one needs to remind you of these BASICS. You tout yourself as a Constitutional scholar. If that’s true, your knowledge makes you even more culpable in the sleight of hand you and your cronies practice daily.
So, yes, Barry, or Barack (or whatever your real name is); until everyone in this nation is again allowed to breathe free, somebody has to stop authorizing whatever might further encourage your autocracy.
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/barryd-alive-2/#dZ6Dq3pdgizqpTsz.99
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