As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..

He should change his middle name to “Hitman,” because that is the role he plays as chief enabler to Mr. Obama.  This man has no interest in interpreting and enforcing the laws according to his job description and which were legislated democratically, and instead is hell-bent, as is the president, on re-creating a world of their own devise, and their unbridled contempt for the rule of law is not only appalling, it runs contrary to the structural foundation of the country which has prevented a dictatorship or royal rule, at least until now.

Holder’s cloying speech in Orlando last week in front of the NAACP was filled with anecdotal tripe and cloying references that strained credulity, but it played to the crowd like a magician who could make a dove appear out of his vest pocket.  There’s a big surprise.  This man is not a politician, though he believes himself to be.  This man is not a legislator, though in his make-believe world he is.  This man cannot create mandates outside of the rule of law, though he’s delusional enough to believe he can as if it is a birthright.  I resent with animus that he would use the ruse of talking to his 15 year old son about race relations in 2013 and compare it to the tribulations of the mid 60’s when he was a young man, for the plight of black people 50 years ago does not remotely resemble the conditions under which they live today, unless of course they wish to not seek opportunity and only complain, and he did nothing in his speech to change that attitude with distortions about the “stand your ground” statute.

It mattered so little to him.  He actually abused himself and his race to foment feelings of resentment, and the question remains:  who is he to be setting policy, much less suggesting changes?  Moreover, why would a man in his position take the opportunity to tell people what they wanted to hear instead of telling them what they needed to hear?

Let’s not forget that this screaming-mimi and unethical charlatan preaching about gun control is the same person that oversaw the Department of Justice while it gave weapons away to Mexican drug cartels, and then was charged with contempt of Congress.  (in the real world that’s called lying your ass off, and the consequences for us mere mortals would be severe)

The answer is simple though one that will cause regurgitation, so grab a plastic shopping bag so you don’t get your rugs dirty:  the intent is to divide to conquer.  There is no reason for Obama to unite a country, because the more he is able to pervert our innate relationships as Americans the greater power it gives him, for fomenting discord is his idea of increasing control as opposed to being selfless enough to realize uniting a nation pays bigger dividends.

He’s not interested in dividends, unless he can find a way to tax them.

Obama has seized upon the strategy of the Jacksons and Sharptons as somehow being a workable template for popularity, and while it provides a temporary salve to his ego, it is in no way a manner in which to lead a country.  He similarly believes the way in which to get other countries to like us is to lower our level of standards in order to create comfort in those to whom we are superior.

What type of schlock is that?

It is the same template with a twist of hemlock that “black leadership” believes is effective.  The praises rang last week for Dr. Martin Luther King, photo-shopped and wearing a hoodie to resemble Trayvan Martin?  Why not put out a picture of JFK wearing a baseball cap backwards?  Seriously.   To what level will these craven people stoop to continue to incite racial issues instead of seeking solutions?  And, while I’m at it, why not encourage those over whom they agitate, to seek out the advantages afforded them BECAUSE of the sacrifices of Dr. King and Medgar Evers , who never sought to placate the masses  upon whom they had influence,but tochallenge them to assimilate and reap the benefits which they worked diligently to sow?

Those guys weren’t getting paid a dime, while the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Charlie Rangle, Julian Bond, and John Conyers are millionaires.  And, how did they get there?  Keeping their followers poor so that they might line their pockets instead.  That doesn’t reach the definition of theft, but it sits only one seat over.  I have friends who have made a respectable living owning bait and tackle shops, but if they had known race-baiting was so profitable they might have changed the sign in the window.

And now we get back to Eric “Hitman” Holder, weaving tales last week in Orlando, talking about the gross injustices of his youth, fabricating reasons why they exist to this day, why his 15 year old son must be aware of such imminent harm, and why Whitey is still out to get him, and basically, playing to the crowd and working the room.  And, the media gave this compulsive liar a pass even though it’s been proven when he speaks to Congress he cannot tell the truth.  This isn’t leadership, it is hucksterism and belongs in a traveling carnival as opposed to being at the top level of our government, yet it fits in perfectly with the Obama model of divide and conquer.

By conspicuous omission, Holder neglected to cite the reasons he was able to receive his law degree from Columbia University, and why Barry Obama and his wife were able to receive theirs from Harvard (we’ll leave the fact that they both faced disbarment out of the conversation for now……………).   There is a reason Holder didn’t, of course, and that is that a continued practice of distortion is so much easier to sell, placates instead of challenges, and promotes division as opposed to unification.

Plus, it’s the easy way out.  It’s intellectual laziness without basis and promotes the status quo, which is:  more government is the only solution.  Solution?  It’s a guaranteed recipe for mediocrity or worse with a back-channel goal of total dependency.

Is it any wonder Obama and Holder look and act like the Blues Brothers, dressed the same, doing their dance routine, and just as insipidly stupid as the roles played by Belushi and Aykroyd?

Welcome to this absurd reality.  You better be able to either fantasize in order to cope, or get your doctor to prescribe some good drugs before you can no longer visit him under Obamacare.                                                                                                                                             

About Dan Bubalo

Daniel J. Bubalo was hired by the venerable firm of Kidder Peabody in 1978, before becoming a shareholder and partner with Drexel Burnham Lambert in 1984. He ultimately bought his own brokerage firm and steered it successfully through the market crash of 1987 before starting a venture capital and advisory company in the early 1990's. He has been a broker, manager, owner, trader, financier, and advisor on mergers and acquisitions, and throughout his career has opined regularly about the intractable nature of government and its inextricable hold and influence on financial markets. A securities violation landed him in federal prison from 1999 to 2003 which served to only sharpen his observations, watching in dismay at the dissolution of the Glass-Steagall Act, the 2001 bubble burst without so much as an investigation or arrest, and has since lectured between 2005 and 2011 at the Neeley School of Business at Texas Christian University on government intervention and ethics, as well as being presciently critical about Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank. Dan can be contacted at

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