As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..

I'm Banned & 404'd Photobucket & SH Happy B'Day Friend HELLNO!

Hey Guys. SodaHead and Photobucket and their WISDOM? have banned my photos. 404's my newest discussions. I spend most of my time working so I have no idea WTF. I guess I'm pretty much screwed. They are both owned by the same co. So I'm going back to work, I've appealed to PB. lost 30,000 of my personal, business, and years of work photos. Hope everyone had a Grand New Years Celebration. My nephew and I are looking to move. Take care everyone, Happy B' Day dear Hellno! Cat

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Comment by Ann Lawler on January 4, 2012 at 8:25pm

Cat, Thats terrible!  SH and PB, didn't even tell you why?  Ann

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