As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..


So let's review. Five dudes break into a hotel with the intent to wiretap the DNC
they are caught and time reveals that they were flying 
monkeys from Nixon's
personal stash. See Nixon really wanted to win re-election (sound familiar) and after The New York Times had outed Nixon on his Cambodia secrets he organized a unit to spy on reporters and government officials. As with most scandals there was a cover-up and eventually the Nixon Tapes saw the light of day and to avoid impending impeachment our "I'm not a crook" President resigned. 

Meanwhile, on September 11, 2012 on the 11th Anniversary of the 911 Terror Attacks, America's makeshift embassy in Benghazi, Libya was attacked by Muslim extremist group, 
Ansar al-Shariah
they killed four Americans. Military was told to stand down and maybe for the first time in our history, our government abandoned the idea of No One Gets Left Behind. Obama had his flying monkey Susan Rice hit the Sunday show circuit and then went on a charm offensive about how the murder of four Americans was not a result of terror but a protest sparked by a video on YouTube. Obama went to the UN and blamed the video and made the comment that the "future must not belong to those whoslander
the prophet of Islam". Basically our President made the case that it was a "filmmakers" expression of Free Speech that murdered four Americans, not Islamic terrorists. Obama and Hilary stood at the coffins of those four men and told their families that they would see that the filmmaker got his due. (He's still in jail.) Well as in Nixon's time, the light of day is shining a ray on the cockroaches of corrupt government. Testimony had revealed the video was a non event, the military was told to stand down when resources were available and the administration covered up this scandal and have lied to the American people.

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