Now it’s time to take on a theme that has taken off over the last month. The Jade Helm exercise motto is “Master the Human Domain,” which has been a head-scratcher for many. The expression “human domain” comes from a Department of Defense effort, dating from the mid-2000s, to codify and plan for the environment of human activity in which the military has to operate during non-traditional missions.
There are three things to say up front. One, it does matter that this was chosen as the motto of the exercise. It’s not just a cute slogan; it means the exercise is focused on “mastering the human domain.”
Two, almost all of the speculation I’ve seen out there on what “mastering the human domain” is about appears to be profoundly mistaken. It’s not about eugenics, for example. Nor do attempts to break down the words “Jade” and “Helm” as acronyms lead to anything validly connected to the DOD human domain effort.*
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