As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..

Presidential Chaos : By Sheryn L. Pinchin

As we enter Obama’s last term in office, we can look forward, with dismay, to a fast-track advancement of his crushing agenda against the American people. He has promised, by veiled threat, to continue to reduce our Constitutional freedoms until they have dwindled down to nothing by use of excessive executive orders. In the wake of his sweeping reforms, he has created more chaos upon the state of this country than we have seen in many a year.
By creating chaos within the boundaries of this nation, he has attempted to break the will of the people by disregarding what has, until this point, made our country one of the greatest upon the face of the earth. Through the past several years, we have witnessed an increase of violence in the streets of our cities, a heightened increase in separation between the races, a disdain of religious harmony, a sweeping loss of employment, increased costs of basic healthcare and insurance for all people, and the threat of terrorist extremism with our borders. All of this perpetrated upon the American people in the name of social reform. 
Overwhelming chaos, disdain, dismay, violence, anger, fear and loss of security are all words we can use to describe what Obama has brought into our lives during the term of his presidency. He may feel proud of all he has accomplished as he enters his last year in office but we will remember it much differently. Obama has done little to reform the land we were once so proud to call our own. He has done everything to deform America by forcing his false agenda upon its citizenry.

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