Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..
President Obama is leading the nation.
Now before you are all like, what the hell happened to maggot? Let me flesh this out. President Obama is leading the nation. Where? Some would say, over a cliff. While others would say, forward towards progress. But I would ask, if America is progressing...what are we becoming and where are we being led. Let's look at the pressing issues of the day in Obama's America.
Gun control. Not mental illness control.The President gave a speech yesterday urging lawmakers to act on banning scary looking guns. Nowhere did I hear him address the issue of how, we as a country, are failing in our responsibilities with the mentally ill, including our Veterans. Nowhere did Obama proclaim that the Government would turn introspective and investigate it's failure to help heal our returning military. Obama ( and Government in general ) doesn't admit his failures, he only takes credit for events that he thinks makes him appear attractive in a political lens. President Photo Op. If one wanted to emulate our leader, I recommend they get in front of a camera and blame someone else. After all this is the guy who gave us, " You Know, Harry Truman Said TheBuck Stops With You” ...
Women in combat. Hey! Let's just change human nature.
Gays in Boy Scouts. Whether it be through culture, the same sex marriage debate, or the case of an Oregon baker, who is being investigated by the State for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple , citing his religious beliefs, traditional beliefs on marriage and family are under assault. The charge being led by an agenda driven Administration with a compliant purse dog media, nipping at it's heels . If your attitude is not homosexual compliant then you will be scolded and sent to sensitivity training. You are no longer allowed a differing opinion in Obama's America.
The NFL. If Barack Obama had a son he would have to think long and hard before deciding if he would let him play football. The Government is coming after the the National Football League. Don't believe it? Days ago Obama said
"I think that those of us who love the sport are going to have to wrestle with the fact that it will probably change gradually to try to reduce some of the violence,"
Are you ready for some flag football??!!
So naturally we find ourselves at the question. Should women be allowed to battle on the front lines of the NFL?
(as Michelle Obama would say "Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we're going to have to change our traditions, our history; we're going to have to move into a different place as a nation."
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