As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..

Today's The Daily Rant article by Dan Bubalo, Incoherent Behavior Message from Mychal below.

I do not typically start the week with comments by someone else but I felt the following was to important not to.  As you may or may not be aware there is a phalanx of political correct agitators who have for at least 30 years been inciting discord by claiming that the Washington Redskins football team using the word "Redskins" is in some way racially insensitive.

As can be expected the kum ba yah flower children in the media including sports commentators, and even some athletes, are wringing their hands and contorting their faces over the team owner's refusal to allow himself to be bullied into changing the name.

Following is a letter a good personal friend and colleague wrote.  He certainly speaks for me and I hope he speaks for you.  His letter delivers common sense truth that smashes to bits the lurid stupidity of the politically correct, the unthinking, and the elitist capitulators like Charles Krauthammer.

Dear Dr. Krauthammer;

Your criticism of the nickname of the Washington NFL team smacks of political correctness. "...words evolve"? For shame!

Here's my take on this politically-correct crap: No one today refers to native americans as "redskins." We call them indians or native americans. The only "redskins" today are a football team with that nickname.

They chose that name originally because it signified human courage and strength and spirit. Just as do the names of many of the other NFL teams. Check them out - Vikings, Buccaneers, Raiders, Cowboys, Patriots, 49ers, and Chiefs. Chiefs? Oh, no! Another demeaning slur against the native americans.

When I was a kid in Georgia, the Atlanta AAA baseball team was proudly named the "Atlanta Crackers" I guess Hank Aaron* objected, so the Braves of Milwaukee kept their name. The Braves? Oh, no, another slur demeaning to native americans. You are a baseball fan - you should demand that the Braves change their nickname to Crackers. That would serve those rednecks right! (Btw, I am a "cracker" and proud of it! I was picking cotton before you were born.)**

Major league baseball needs sensitivity training - same as the NFL. Cleveland Indians? Oh, no, there it is again! But really what we need is to horsewhip the prissy PC numbskulls, including broadcasters and politicians.

John Brinson

PS Please don't try to force the Augusta National to change the name of their tournament. The name "Masters" does not refer to slave-owners.

*I saw Hank Aaron (Jacksonville Braves) play against the Augusta Tigers (I was a 16 year old stockholder) in 1953 when he was 19 years old. He was already great.

**At age 9 in the summer of 1946. A kind old field hand showed me how to pick cotton and I did it. Don't ever try it. Too hot, and those damned bolls stick under your fingernails.

  Massie sig

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