Wait list higher than before….
Check this out:   http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/21/us/wait-lists-grow-as-many-more-v...

One year after outrage about long waiting lists for health care shook the Department of Veterans Affairs, the agency is facing a new crisis: The number of veterans on waiting lists of one month or more is now 50 percent higher than it was during the height of last year’s problems, department officials say. The department is also facing a nearly $3 billion budget shortfall, which could affect care for many veterans.                http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/v...;                                                                                                                     The agency is considering furloughs, hiring freezes and other significant moves to reduce the gap. A proposal to address a shortage of funds for one drug — a new, more effective but more costly hepatitis C treatment — by possibly rationing new treatments among veterans and excluding certain patients who have advanced terminal diseases or suffer from a “persistent vegetative state or advanced dementia” is stirring bitter debate inside the department.     http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/21/us/wait-lists-grow-as-many-more-v...