Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..
You hear a lot about Religious Freedom, these days.
A flailing, failing President with no record of success, to run around the block on, much less, run a campaign on, in a blooming election year, issues a Mandate to a large percent of his 2008 voting block (i.e. Catholics) forcing them to throw asunder their Religious Beliefs and Conscience. Move on…Nothing to see here, folks…
With President Obama’s growing portfolio of failed policies, “lurching and bucking forward”, only one chance to thwart those “wascally” Republicans existed…Paint them as pre-historic CAVE MEEEENNNN! Who wants to take away The Newly ObamaCare Created Constitutional Right For Free Contraceptives (NOCCRFFC) from the womenfolk? Those evil Republicans….. Perhaps if the Obama Administration’s polling was showing that Obama was impressing the female voter, we might not be here today, …but I digress…
You see, the liberalprogressive way, is change the language, change the discussion. By attacking Catholics in the arena of Religious Freedom, but dressing it in the guise of “rights” to birth control, it guarantees to stir Obama’s depraved God-hating crowd, who have become magical overnight Constitutional scholars, citing everything from the General Welfare clause to the “good and plenty” clause,as their “reasoning” of why they have a “right “ to free rubbers, extolling the Founding Document, that they have been so fond of calling, dusty and outdated… Until they think it serves their purpose (read: agenda)….I guess.
Extra! Extra! Nothing subversive slithers around US, America…Go back to sleep folks…
It’s interesting that the leftist Mantra is March towards progress, ever evolving, twirling towards better enlightenment, better than those before us, when anyone can look back across recent decades to see that their lauded progressivism is decadence and its dances in its own destruction.
Think back to Madalyn Murray O'Hair and her landmark mark on our Nation’s strength, when she helped propel, God and Prayer out of schools. Can you as an individual, be intellectually honest, regardless of theology or lack thereof, can you honestly answer NO to the question Did Guns replace God in schools? Well? These God-less heathens that walk among are the ones who get their feathers ruffled when they see a Nativity Scene and lobby for those Ten Commandments to be removed from the Court of Law. Since they’ve started their assault on God, has the Country gotten better?
But don’t worry…the left have a plan…folks…
I applaud President Obama’s performance. He is a skilled progressive Leader. His ability to divide a Nation, such as America on so many fronts:
Race.Class. Culture. Religion.
But at last there are an ends to these means. God must be taken out of the equation for America to “progress". America stands in the way of a Global Movement, because of it’s God “problem”. When the American people can be convinced that New Rights, can be created by BIG Gov’ment, then we truly sign away our Freedoms and become part of the Collective. Whether you believe in God or not, HE gave you your RIGHTS. They do not change. They are Eternal…..Unless you believe in empowering your
Gov’ment to create entitlements created to garner your vote, by calling them rights and chaining you into a system of government tyranny…..
But Nevermind, I mean ….didn’t you hear? Whitney Houston died. Carry on, carry on…Nothing to see here, nothing to lose…folks…
Sincerely, maggot
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