Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..
I know, I know....you're like damnyoumaggot! You finally put the camera down long enough to write a blog...? Kind of....I'm typing with one hand and filming the cat sleeping with the other....
It's been quite a busy weekend for the maggot family. Pull up a chair and I'll tell you a tale.
It's one of Republican campaign trails and masquerade balls John McCain stumps for Romney While McCollum pumps up Newt Heard some spin, heard some lies, heard undeniable truth Had a Strawberry Caucus and a march around the lake A teenager's first High School dance that kept me up late And soon to come, the younger one's with her Mom First concert Tonight's that event.
damnyomaggot!? What is this? Beat-nik poetry night? Get on with the blog!!!
Okay, okay... It all started Friday morning. The Mrs. and I shuttled our kids to school(s) and made our way down to McDonald Street in Lakeland to attend a Mitt Romney campaign stop featuring Senator John McCain. The venue, a former RC Cola building, could not contain the crowd. The Senator arrived and was well received, as many rushed to greet and thank him for his Service. It was refreshing to see a large number of students at the event, as a Government Club from one of the local schools was in attendance. McCain wasted no time, touting the reasons Floridians should vote for Mitt and not for Newt. He spoke about the recent Arizona Governor/Obama controversy, at one point suggesting that the President was "prickly." He fielded questions about Social Security and the tone of the debate season. True to form, it wouldn't have been a Lakeland event.....if Occupy Lakeland didn't show up...and they did. All in all, it was a sucessful event and we were invited to march around Lake Hollingsworth for Romney, that afternoon. We took our daughters, with us, they took bread. They had a ball, feeding seagulls, ducks and birds of all sorts, as we walked the three mile trek around the lake. Cries from vehicles passing by included, "Obama", and "Santorum". Our younger daughter even caught one passer-by, giving us the finger....Oh well... My beautiful Wife won a small battle...She got me to walk around Lake Hollingsworth.
That night we received word, that Newt Gingrich had cancelled his Lakeland appearance, but former Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum would stump on his behalf. We saw no reason, not to attend, so we got up Saturday morning, dragged the kids out of bed and made our way down to Florida Avenue. There we found an energetic crowd, waiting patiently for the late, arrival of McCollum. Newt supporter's staked signs up and down Florida Ave and even danced in the median as passing car horns tooted for Newt. After Bill arrived and greeted voters, we said the Pledge of Allegiance and The National Anthem was performed. A moment of silence was held for the Challenger shuttle crew , as the day marked the 26th anniversery of the disaster. This paved the way for McCollum's fiery campaign speech. He scolded the criticism of Newt's "moon colonies" and spoke out against Romney, calling him "The Establishment". Key points were Newt's years in Congress, Romney's inablity to defend RomneyCare, and after calling Rick Santorum his friend, McCollum called a vote for Santorum a "throw away vote". He teased the prospect of a big endorsement and a possibility of another one Sunday. Mr. McCollum spoke fast (probably because he was so late) and we had yet, another event to attend.
We left Newt's headquarters and drove over to Century Blvd, to participate in the First Annual Strawberry Caucas. Hosted by Lakeland TEA Party and the 912 Project, the event served as a straw poll to gauge the leanings of local voters. Rick Santorum was originally scheduled to attend but had to cancel. Dissappointed but not discouraged, supporters for all the candidates took to the stage and gave their reasons why, for supporting "their guy". We heard testimonies on behalf of Ronmey, Newt, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and Gary Jonhson. ( On a side note this Ron Paul supporter video has been picked up by various RP fansites and is my most viewed video to date....)Our kids ate Strawberry Shortcake, from Parkesdale Farms and even got to vote in the straw poll. Santorum won the poll with 39 votes, followed by Ronmey, then Gingrich, then Paul and then Gary Johnson who garnered 6 votes.
It was a great day...but it wasn't over yet. Our oldest daughter went to her first High School dance, a masquerade ball that lasted from 7:30 to 11:00. We gave her friend a ride home to Auburndale (three giggling teenagers in a car on a Saturday night..will this day ever end??!!) We then dropped the girls off at Grandmommy's and got back home ourselves at midnight. Tonight the Mrs. and our youngest daughter will attend a Roberta Flack concert St. Pete. Our daughter "accidently" won tickets from the Q105 radio station. She just happened to be calling in, to request, " We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister. LOL and so it goes in the maggot Family.
What a great time you the Mrs. and your kids had Maggot. How wonderful that your children participated in the event and even saw someone flipping the bird. Real class act that one was.
The next 9 months will certainly prove to be interesting ones to say the least. We must prevail no matter who our candidate is!
Thanks for sharing your experience Maggot. I enjoyed reading all about it.
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