Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..
Speaker Boehner and other House GOP's are making a big mistake on Presidential authority. I would think they've had enough of President Obama exceeding his legal authority, disobeying the Constitution by refusing to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” and issuing executive regulations to “legislate” what Congress refuses to pass, such as the Dream Act. We’ve never had a President who so arrogantly grabs and uses power unlawfully. Obama has repeatedly granted waivers, exceptions, and delays to groups from laws without any Constitutional authority, such as welfare reform and ObamaCare. The latest example of Speaker Boehner’s coziness with Barack Obama is the current plan to give the President a grant of tremendous power, not authorized in the Constitution, called "Fast Track." The Constitution gives Congress exclusive authority “to regulate commerce with foreign nations,” but Fast Track would give the President power to sign trade agreements before Congress has had an opportunity to vote on them and then unilaterally write legislation making those agreements U.S. federal law. Fast Track allows the President to send these executive-written bills directly to the House under rules that limit debate, forbid all Amendments, and require a vote within a preset time period. In other words, the House cedes to the President its Constitutional power to write legislation that regulates commerce with foreign nations. We know how Fast Track works because we had it when we joined NAFTA. Among NAFTA's obnoxious provisions was allowing the President to appoint 700 industry advisers for the trade negotiations who were given access to confidential negotiating documents that are denied to Congress and the U.S. public. Obama is pressing hard for the immediate passage of more Fast Track "authority" so he will have a free hand in making deals with other countries. Now in the fast lane is a new trade treaty called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with eleven countries: Mexico, Canada, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, and Chile. All trade treaties come encrusted with glowing predictions of creating new jobs for Americans, and those promises always turn out to be false. Like the old saying, "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me," and it is shame on the "Boehner Republicans" if they induce us to pass another trade treaty that creates jobs only in other countries. For example, Obama promised that our free-trade deal with Korea (KORUS FTA) would be a major U.S.-job creator. That was a lie: after KORUS went into effect, sales of U.S. goods to Korea fell 17% (costing 40,000 U.S. jobs), and imports rose 18%, so KORUS was a jobs-creator in Korea, not the United States. In his campaign, Obama promised to eliminate or reform NAFTA-type trade models, but has now made them a major part of his agenda. That shift is probably because of the other provisions of the trade agreements that nobody knows about until after they are locked into U.S. law. And that's because if Congress and the People knew about them, they would object to them. As an example, some of the eleven TPP countries are notorious for their persecution of Christians, including Brunei, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Brunei, for example, where current negotiations are now going on in secret, has a Constitution that states: “The religion of Brunei Darussalam shall be the Muslim religion,” which means Islamic Sharia law supersedes all other law and regulates all aspects of life. Christians and their clergy are harassed at every turn in Brunei, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Spies attend nearly every Christian gathering. Brunei ranks 28th on the Open Doors Annual World Watch List of 50 nations where Christians suffer the most persecution for their faith by Muslim governments. Brunei forbids the importation of bibles and all non-Islamic texts or symbols, yet Obama has the gall to tell us TPP is “free trade” and that we should give him extraordinary powers under Fast Track. According to Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, 24 of the 29 chapters of TPP are not even about trade, but rewrite our own U.S. domestic policies. These chapters include provisions about the environment, health, food safety, and internet freedom protections, and even give corporations inappropriate privileges that impinge on Constitutionally granted federal, state, and local government authority. I'm all in favor of free trade, as it increases world GNP via the mechanism of comparative advantage. But I am strongly against trade policies that weaken U.S. employment prospects to the unfair and "rigged" advantage of trading "partners," as well as trade agreements that enrich and promote the image of brutal dictatorships. Truly free trade benefits all parties involved, not just U.S. corporations and foreign dictatorships, but also U.S. labor. Further, we should be holding trade agreements back from brutal dictatorships as an inducement to get them to change their internal policies, not rewarding them with the increased tax revenue that free trade brings. Finally, the President should not be granted virtual "fiat powers" in regard to trade decisions; all treaties, including trade agreements, should involve full participation of Congress, including adequate time for full Congressional debate, and the opportunity for members of Congress to offer Amendments for consideration. Please do not allow Speaker Boehner and his cadre of House GOP followers to gut the rightful and Constitutional authority of Congress to fully participate in the design and implementation of U.S. trade policies. Sincerely, This was written by a fellow sodahead. I copy and use all of his letters for my reps. I'm positive he would not be upset if you all did the same
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