As Creepy As Clowns

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Re: Defund ObamaCare in the Continuing Resolution


Dear Senator,

The House just passed a Continuing Resolution that defunds ObamaCare.  It is essential that no Continuing Resolution containing funding for ObamaCare is passed.  Will you stand with the grassroots and vote against ObamaCare funding?  If you vote to fund ObamaCare, you're FOR ObamaCare.  The unconstitutional, harmful, and wildly expensive federal health care takeover must be stopped now, before it’s too late.  Once the lower income "subsidized group" gets enrolled, it may be politically impossible to stop the "train wreck" by any means.  A majority of Americans do not want ObamaCare.  Harry Reid called ObamaCare the stepping stone to European-style health care, as if there were something "good" about this.  It is your duty to stand with the grassroots and refuse to pay for ObamaCare.
We have only ONE more chance to defeat ObamaCare.  Congress MUST defund ObamaCare in the upcoming government spending bill.  Getting a veto-proof repeal will be impossible.  The ONLY way to end ObamaCare for good is to ensure that the Continuing Resolution contains not a single penny for ObamaCare implementation or enforcement.  Will you stand with the American People, or will you bow to the special interests and the Democrats?  Congress has only ONE more chance to defeat ObamaCare.  Congress MUST defund ObamaCare in the upcoming government spending bill.  You have a choice to make.  The time is over for excuses and backroom dealing.

You need to prove your leadership and do the right thing.  There are only two sides in this fight.  You either stand for freedom, or you stand with Obama and Nancy Pelosi for ObamaCare.  ObamaCare violates federally enumerated powers, was passed in violation of Senate cloture rules (the "nuclear option"), and is already forcing doctors to retire in droves in anticipation of draconian fee cap reductions.  The latter point is pivotal as the front end of the baby boom is entering the high medical utilization retirement years right now, and we will in fact need many MORE doctors, not less; wait times will soar, quality of care will suffer, and the elderly will be the hardest hit.  Further, business and the middle class will not be able to afford health insurance (many will simply pay the optout penalty), as these demographics face draconian premium loads (40% by 2016) to fund the lower income group subsidies.  Far from achieving universal coverage, ObamaCare will merely play musical chairs with who is lucky enough to qualify for affordable premiums.

You need to decide whose side you're on - the American People's, or the special interest lobbies that helped fashion ObamaCare into an even bigger government protected gravy train for tort lawyers, big pharma, and giant hospital chains.  You need to join conservatives from all across America and refuse to fund Obamacare.  America has heard enough talk -what we need now is action.  Will you step up to the plate and do the right thing?  The time for games is over.  There truly is no more time.  Unless Congress acts NOW, ObamaCare mandates will start phasing in on October 1st - that's just 10 days from now.  Join the fight to stop ObamaCare by opposing ANY Continuing Resolution or other bill that contains even one thin dime for "anything ObamaCare."

In Liberty,

South Burlington, VT 05403
Telephone: (802
Fax: (802
Senator Lamar Alexander,202-228-3398  Senator Kelly Ayotte,202-224-4952  Senator Richard Burr,202-228-2981  Senator Thad Cochran,202-224-5321  Senator Bob Corker,202-228-0566  Senator John Cornyn,202-228-2856  Senator Lindsey Graham,202-224-3808  Senator Mark Kirk,202-228-4611  Senator John McCain,202-228-2862  Senator Rob Portman,202-224-9075                                Another letter worth sending on to the appropriate reps

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