As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..


the ows movement’s goals have become quite clear.

This thread began in the Letter to the Editors Section of our local papers, The Newschief and The Ledger.

The first letter, the response to it and now my reponse to the response. 


To assert that the Occupy Wall Street movement is the
brainchild of indoctrinated college kids is absurd.

The Organized Left And The OWS Movement


For a movement, that the Liberal Media, Politian’s, and Obama hacks alike, have tried to paint grassroots, Occupy Wall Street seems very… ORGANIZED. In just over 40 days of Occupation, the protesters have amassed close to half a million dollars. They have a finance committee, a kitchen staff, and their own security detail. Their Livestream is also impressive for a bunch of college kids with no money or prospects.This “movement” is growing from a seed buried years ago, now finally coming to fruition. In March of this year SEIU’s Steven Lerner “put the cards on the table” and offered his plan to create a crisis for the rich.
His plan was to organize a coordinated “strike” on mortgage, student loans, and local government debt payments–in order bring the banks to the edge of insolvency and force them to renegotiate the terms of the loans. This destabilization , Lerner estimated, would also crash the stock market, isolating the bankers and transferring the power to the people.

In new emails from Professional Protestor Lisa Fithian, to several ACORN affiliated groups, we have learned that she is organizing a “pull the money out” day at the banks, on November 5th, in order to “take over the banks, nationalize them under democratic control, take back our money and use it for services we need. That means occupying them.”


The TEA Party has been labeled racist, terrorists, extremists and the sort. The claim that members of Congress have been spit on has been challenged, by Andrew Breitbart, who offered $100,000 for a video of the incident. In a crowd of people with hundreds of cameras and cell phones, no one has come forth with that proof. In over 900 days of peaceful Tea Party protests, there have been no arrests. In 43 days of OWS protests there have been close to 3000 arrests, hostility towards police, rape allegations, drug use,signs and speakers calling for the overthrow of Capitolism, anti – Semetic rants and bankers hanging in effigy and let’s not forget the one protester deffacating on a police car or the one relieving himself on the American flag….


date, this bunch have been endorsed by: The American Nazi Party, Communist Party
of America, the Supreme Leader of Iran; Ayatollah Ali Khameni, Kim Jong Il,
Michael Moore, Hugo Chavez,  cop killer Mumia, and President Obama. If this
is what your Democracy looks like…..I’ll 
keep my Representative Republic! Thank you. "You can keep the change."







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