As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..


Good morning gang and welcome back to Saturday's Singles I've Never Heard Before. Today we take our time machine back to the early 60s and take a look at pop duos. First up is the song  "Mule Skinner Blues"  by The Fendermen. The tune originally written by  Jimmie Rodgers and George Vaughan, became a #32 hit in the UK, #16 on the Country & Western charts, and #5 on the Hot 100, in 1960 when The Fendermen released it on Soma Records. It's B-side is an original Fendermen instrumental named "Torture". Interesting duo, these Fendermen. The group is comprised of lead guitarist, Jim Sundquist and rhythm guitarist, Phil Humphrey. The pair, both born on the same day ( November 26, 1937) are both from Wisconsin,  and met at the University of Wisconsin. Their name derived from their instruments, (a Telecaster and a Stratocaster) that they plugged into the same amp. 

lead guitarist - Jim Sundquist

rhythm guitarist - Phil Humphrey


Our second Saturday's Singles I've Never Heard Before is "First Quarrel" by Paul & Paula ( real names Ray Hildebrand &  Jill Jackson. They released "First Quarrel'" on Philips Records in 1963, where it became a #27 hit on the Hot 100. It's flip side is "School Is Thru". This duo got their name from the lyrics of their debut single, "Hey Paula", in which the pair sing a conversation between Paul and Paula. 

 Ray Hildebrand &  Jill Jackson - vocals


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