Good morning gang and welcome back to the Sunday edition of Stuck In The Vinyl Again. Today we remember the September 11th 2001, terror attacks in New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. We remember the dead, their families, and the first responders. Our record of choice today is this 1976 Forward In Faith Production Studios release, Freedom Celebration. The LP showcases a live concert held in 1976 on the steps of the US Capitol for the country's 's bi -centennial. It was broadcast on nationwide television. The event was hosted by the Church of God of Cleveland TN and featured songs, spirituals, and speeches by Carl Richardson, Jerry Noble, Al Taylor, Flynn and Carolyn Johnson, The Lee University Singers, Steve Brock, and The Churchmen. I found a video covering the event and will post it down around the pictures.
Side One
1. America The Beautiful
2. Freedom Medley : Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen/ Through It All/ Free At Last
Carolyn and Flynn Johnson
3. Jesus, Heal The People
Steve Brock
4. If My People
The Lee Singers
Side Two
1. Prayer (United States Capitol Steps)
Carl Richardson
2. Praise The Lord and Give Thanks, America
The Lee Singers
3. Statue Of Liberty
The Churchmen
4. The Church Triumphant
Steve Brock and the Lee Singers
Lari Goss - keyboards
Roni Goss- bass
Bill Huffman - lead guitar
James Goss - rhythm
Buster Phillips - drums
Album cover - Ron Hood
Album design - Wong's Studio of Graphic Arts
Photography - John Simmons, David Sisler
Producer - Carl Richardson

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