As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..


Good morning Thursday people and welcome back to Stuck In The Vinyl Again. Today we celebrate the 62nd Birthday of Brooklyn born actor and vocalist, Scott Baio. Happy Birthday Scott ! Most people know him from the role of Chachi Arcola, from Happy Days and it's spinoff,  Joanie Loves Chachi, as well as the title character in the sitcom, Charles in Charge, but did you know he released two albums on RCA in the early eighties? Well he did and his self titled debut is our subject of sound today. Scott Baio (the record) was released March 1982 on the RCA label and produced by Bob Reno & Stephen Metz. It stayed on the Billboard 200 for four weeks, topping out at #181. It's singles, "What Was In That Kiss", and "Wanted For Love" do not appear to have charted. The sound can be described, and I quote my Wife here, as "the love child of Barry Manilow and Neil Diamond". Scott's pose on the  album cover is reminiscent of Michael Jackson's Thriller with both artists propped up on one elbow and the name of the artist/album in cursive writing.  Jackson's record was released 8 months after Baio's. 

Wanted For Love 3:14

What Was In That Kiss 3:37

Runnin' Out Of Reasons To Go 3:33

How Do You Talk To Girls 3:10

Half The World 3:55

Woman, I Love Only You 3:23

When You Find Someone Who Loves You 3:48

What Am I Supposed To Do 3:19

Looking For The Right Girl 3:24

Midnight Confessions 3:14

Scott Baio - lead vocals

Bob Reno, Stephen Metz - producers

Nathan Lam - executrive producer

Arranged by John Davis

Backgrounds vocals - arranged by Jim Pike

 and sung by Kevin McKnelly

Photos and art direction - Glen Christensen

No description available.

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