As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..


Good Monday morning gang and welcome back to Stuck In The Vinyl Again . We are going to backtrack a little this morning and wish Justin Hayward, vocalist and guitarist of The Moody Blues, a very Happy belated 75th Birthday. It was on Thursday (October 14, 2021) and the very next night, my beautiful Wife, Lynn, our daughter Katie, and good friend Lisa, saw Justin perform at the Nancy and David Bilheimer Capitol Theatre, in Clearwater Florida. . I'll include some photos and a video from it a little later in the post, but now we'll continue with today's record choice, which is the first live album by The Moody Blues, Caught Live +5. The double live record was recorded  December 12, 1969 at the Royal Albert Hall and then released April 30, 1977 on the London label. It was produced by Tony Clarke. The LP reached #26 on the Billbaord 200. The first 3 record sides are the live material and the 4th side is the +5, the 5 previously unreleased songs. 

Lynn estimates she has seen The Moody Blues 15-20 times. We have tickets from two of those shows, The Lakeland Center October 7, 1994 and June 11, 1993 at the USF Sun Dome. I've included those photos, as well as a Crew Shirt of Lynn's. Justin was joined onstage by guitarist Mike Dawes, who also was the opening act. Lynn got a signed CD of his new album, Shows And Distancing  and t-shirt (for me) and then she got a Justin t-shirt for her. Accompanying Mike and Justin were Karmen Gould on flute, and Julie Ragins on synthesizer. The tickets for this show were digital and I asked for a screenshot of them, but they yelled at me and told me to get back into my editor box ! :(

Here is Lynn's wonderful video of "Nights In White Satin" :

Side One

"Gypsy (Of a Strange and Distant Time)" (Justin Hayward) – 4:03

"The Sunset" (Mike Pinder) – 4:33

"Dr. Livingstone, I Presume" (Ray Thomas) – 3:23

"Never Comes the Day" (Hayward) – 5:39

Side Two

"Peak Hour" (John Lodge) – 5:13

"Tuesday Afternoon" (Hayward) – 4:51

"Are You Sitting Comfortably?" (Hayward, Thomas) – 4:21

"The Dream" (Graeme Edge) – 0:58

"Have You Heard (Part 1)" (Pinder) – 1:22

"The Voyage" (Pinder) – 3:37

"Have You Heard (Part 2)" (Pinder) – 2:33

Side Three

"Nights in White Satin" (Hayward) – 5:55

"Legend of a Mind" (Thomas) – 7:05

"Ride My See-Saw" (Lodge) – 4:28

Side Four

"Gimme a Little Somethin'" (Lodge) – 3:13

"Please Think About It" (Pinder) – 3:41

"Long Summer Days" (Hayward) – 3:12

"King and Queen" (Hayward) – 3:52

"What Am I Doing Here?" (Hayward) – 3:33

Justin Hayward – vocals, guitar
John Lodge – vocals, bass guitar
Mike Pinder – vocals, Mellotron
Ray Thomas – vocals, flute, harmonica, tambourine
Graeme Edge - drums, percussion

No description available.

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