As Creepy As Clowns

Dark Clouds Rain Down Tears Washing Away Swirling Colors From The Clown's Face..


Good morning gang and welcome to the Independence Day edition of Stuck In The Vinyl Again . Today we take off work and gather with our friends and family to grill hot dogs and hamburgers, lounge by pools and wish one another a "Happy 4th", all in anticipation of fireworks come dark, that terrify everyone's pets. I think a lot of the occasion gets lost in the hoopla and we forget the real reasons and history behind Independence Day, the day when the 56 signatories of the original 13 colonies unanimously declared their intent to shake off the old yokes of abusive government and establish a new government, one that recognizes the Rights of man, as equal and unalienable.

Today marks the 246th year since the birth of our Nation. 

In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


188 years later in Nevada, vocalist Mark Slaughter is born. Happy 59th Birthday Mark! He originally started out in the Vinnie Vincent Invasion, but when that good thing came to an end, he formed the hair/glam metal band Slaughter with VVI bandmate and bassist Dana Strum. The pair recruited Blas Elias on drums and Tim Kelly on lead guitar. Their debut album, Stick It To Ya, was released January 23, 1990 on Chrysalis Records and produced by 
Dana Strum and Mark Slaughter. It peaked at #58 in Germany, #32 in Switzerland, and #18 on the Billboard 200. Four singles were released ; "Up All Night" (#27 Hot 100), "Fly to the Angels" (#19 Hot 100), "Spend My Life"(#39 Hot 100), and Mad About You" (did not chart). The LP has been certified 2X Platinum in the US.

Shortly after it's release, a 14 year old me made his way to the "new" Walmart in Geneva, Alabama to purchase it with my on money. That in itself was an act of Independence. Over the years I wore out several cassette copies. I still have one, as well as the CD version. In 2020 it was finally released on red vinyl (this time on Capitol Records) and I bought a copy a few months back and have opened it for this occasion. When I bought it from Amazon, I also got a digital copy with bonus songs. I recorded an Awkward Openings video and will post the link below, if you like those things.

The cover features former Playboy model and Playmate of the Year 1986, Laurie Carr. She is the 'target girl' standing outside a dark carnival posed against a Wheel Of Death, presumably waiting for someone to throw knives at her. She was also married to Ratt member, Robbin Crosby and is now a chiropractor. I must admit I had a crush on her, at least as far as this album cover is concerned. 

The record's opening track "Eye to Eye" starts with camera sounds from Gerri Miller. She was the longtime Metal Edge editor, who passed away in 2021 after losing her battle with cancer. After her death Slaughter paid tribute to her and thanked her for helping launch the band's successful career. 

1. "Eye to Eye" 3:57
2. "Burnin' Bridges" 4:07
3. "Up All Night" 4:16
4. "Spend My Life" 3:21
5. "Thinking of June" 1:05
6. "She Wants More" 3:55
7. "Fly to the Angels" 5:05

Side 2

8. "Mad About You" 4:05
9. "That's Not Enough" 3:25
10. "You Are the One" 3:55
11. "Gave Me Your Heart" 3:51
12. "Desperately" 3:34
13. "Loaded Gun" 4:18

Mark Slaughter - Lead Vocals, Guitar, and Keyboards

Tim Kelly - Guitar, background vocals

Dana Strum - Bass, background vocals

Blas Elias - Drums, percussion, background vocals

With :

Todd Cooper - Horns
Gerri Miller - Camera noises

Produced By Mark Slaughter & Dana Strum
Production Co-Ordination by Scott Cadwallader
Engineer: Andy Chappel
Mixing: Brian Malouf
Mastering: Bob Ludwig

No description available.

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